MiniCalendar is a small and elegant system calendar. Its main goal is to provide the user with a basic calendar for any month between January 1582 and December 29940.
MiniCalendar is not designed to replace full function date books, rather it is designed to complement such programs. Programs such as Claris Organizer or Now Up-To-Date excel at managing appointments and dates, but are clumsy when it comes to looking up what day your birthday is going to fall on next year. MiniCalendar fills this niche nicely. Since MiniCalendar is small and easy enough to use, you will want to leave it running so you will always have access to a calendar.
As an added bonus, if you are a Kaleidoscope user, MiniCalendar 2.0 will use the current Kaleidoscope color scheme to create a more unified system appearance. You will want to check out this feature.
Who will use MiniCalendar?
• Users who need to look up dates, but do not need a full scale date book
• Kaleidoscope / Aaron users who want a more unified system appearance
• Users who want to show off to their PC friends that the Mac is not only year 2000 compliant
but year 29940 compliant!
• Or anyone who needs quick access to a calendar
New in Version 2.1.2
• Fixed a small bug that caused some G3's to draw improperly.